Williamson County Democratic Party Office Update
We are looking forward to opening our office full time, which we’ve delayed until Williamson County Covid levels drop. We are currently open part-time. Hours are Tuesday and Wednesday, 12-5pm. You can also call the office at 512-864-9900 to check if someone might be in or you want to leave a message. Once we return to a full time schedule office hours will be 10am-5pm Mon – Fri. We do not have Beto signs but will post on the website when they are available.
Are you interested in volunteering with us at the office? We are looking for volunteers available on Saturdays and we need volunteers available to sub on weekdays. We already have some planned absences, so some hours may be scheduled now and of course, we’ll have unexpected hours we’ll need to fill. A solid list of volunteers is so important for the work we do. Often we have special projects that need some extra volunteers. We need folks who can give us a few hours occasionally, so it isn’t necessary to commit to a regular schedule. To volunteer, click on this link: https://wilcodemocrats.org/volunteer/