Want to Become a Precinct Chair?
Precinct Chairs are elected biennially during even-numbered years.
If you are interested in becoming a precinct chair, please contact our Party Chair Kim Gilby at wilcodemschair@gmail.com.
How Can I Become A Precinct Chair If I Was Not Elected?
When no one files to run in the Primary Election or when a precinct chair resigns, the WCDP Executive Committee (EC) can appoint someone to fill the vacant chair position.
How Do I Apply?
Interested applicants must complete an application and submit a letter of intent via email to the WCDP Party Chair. Please note there is no filing fee required to submit your application. Your letter of intent should highlight aspects of your background and personality that will enable you to become a valuable member of our leadership team. Letters of intent are used by the Candidate Committee to evaluate an applicant’s interest level, familiarity with precinct chair responsibilities, and how ready an applicant is to take on those responsibilities.
Your Letter Must:
- Explain why you want to become a precinct chair.
- Explicitly state your intention to attend all monthly meetings of the Williamson County Democratic Party EC which are usually held at 6:45pm on the second Thursday of every month.
To demonstrate your organizing abilities, your interest in politics, and/or your involvement in the community, your letter could include such things as:
- How long you’ve supported the Democratic Party or Democratic candidates in the past (e.g., worked on campaigns, staffed Democratic Party booths at community events, made phone calls, and/or knocked doors in your neighborhood to help get out the vote.
- How you’ve been involved with other organizations that serve your community or causes.
- Information regarding your education, training, activities, personality, etc. that will help you succeed in your role as precinct chair.
- Plans you’ve contemplated so far for organizing Democrats in your precinct.
After receiving your application and letter, the County Chair, Chair of the Candidate Committee, and/or CAL may contact you to discuss your application. Based on the information contained in your letter as well as any interviews, the committee will decide whether to recommend your appointment to the EC. You will be informed of the committee’s decision before the committee informs the EC of its recommendation.
Your candidacy for precinct chair will be announced at the first monthly meeting of the EC following completion of the filing process. You will be introduced to the EC and other members of the party who are in attendance. The Candidate Committee Chair will present the committee’s recommendation to the EC and you will be given the opportunity to speak briefly if you’d like.
The EC will formally vote in the open meeting whether to appoint you as precinct chair of your voting precinct.
Submit your completed application and letter of intent by email to WCDP Party Chair Kim Gilby, wilcodemschair@gmail.com
Precinct Chair Map